
Le Fonti Awards, Gruppo Excellence wins in the “Excellence of the Year – Innovation & Leadership” category

Milan, 06/28/24 – Yesterday, at the headquarters of Borsa Italiana, the XIV edition of the Le Fonti Awards was held, the prizes awarded by the well-known media company that follows and reports on the evolution of markets and businesses in the various sectors .

The Excellence Group won the “Excellence of the Year – Innovation and Leadership” award in the field of professional services for companies in the Banking & Insurance sectors, and the CEO and Founder of the Group went on stage to receive the award Excellence Maurizio Primanni and Co-Founder Renato Ferri Pacini.

Primanni, in accepting this recognition, declares:

“We are honored to receive the ‘Le Font’i Excellence of the Year award as the best professional services company for banks and insurance. This recognition is a testimony to the quality and passion that each of our professionals puts in every day to create value for our customers. Our thanks must go first and foremost to the latter, who renew their trust in us every year and allow us to accompany them on many strategic projects.

In recent years our Group has continued to grow, but without ever losing sight of the attention to customers and the professional growth of our consultants. In the future we will continue to invest in research, innovation and training of our resources and to work with care and enthusiasm to increasingly become the reference partner of our customers, to help them establish themselves on the Italian and international markets. We still have a long way to go.”


L’Istituto del “Whistleblowing” è riconosciuto come strumento fondamentale nell’emersione di illeciti; per il suo efficace operare è pero cruciale assicurare una protezione adeguata ed equilibrata ai segnalanti. In tale ottica, al fine di garantire che i soggetti segnalanti siano meglio protetto da ritorsioni e conseguenze negative, e incoraggiare l’utilizzo dello strumento, in Italia è stato approvato il D.Lgs. n.24 del 10 marzo 2023 a recepimento della Direttiva (UE) 2019/1937 riguardante la protezione delle persone che segnalano violazioni.

Il decreto persegue l’obiettivo di rafforzare la tutela giuridica delle persone che segnalano violazioni di disposizioni normative nazionali o europee, che ledono gli interessi e/o l’integrità dell’ente pubblico o privato di appartenenza, e di cui siano venute a conoscenza nello svolgimento dell’attività lavorativa.


(*) Campi obbligatori